Help Save Spring Chinook Salmon!
Spring Chinook Salmon are a Northwest treasure. We must do everything possible to save them. One of the most important things we can do right now is to call for Endangered Species Act protections for all imperiled Pacific Northwest populations of spring-run Chinook salmon, including those of the Washington Coast, the Oregon Coast, the Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast, and the Upper Klamath-Trinity River system.
Please write the following officials of the National Marine Fisheries Service to call for Endangered Species Act protections for all imperiled populations of spring-run Chinook salmon:
Please write the following officials of the National Marine Fisheries Service to call for Endangered Species Act protections for all imperiled populations of spring-run Chinook salmon:
Urge your Senators and Representative to uphold treaty rights and protect the Salish Sea and Columbia-Snake River Basin salmon and orcas from extinction.
Nearly 170 years ago the United States government signed treaties with Northwest Native Tribes, guaranteeing these sovereign Nations the right to fish for salmon at their usual and accustomed fishing grounds. By pushing salmon to the brink of extinction, we have not lived up to the promises of those treaties.
Urge your policymakers to recommit to upholding treaty rights and support tribal leadership in developing comprehensive solutions in the Salish Sea and the Columbia-Snake River Basin to protect salmon and orcas from extinction.
Urge your policymakers to recommit to upholding treaty rights and support tribal leadership in developing comprehensive solutions in the Salish Sea and the Columbia-Snake River Basin to protect salmon and orcas from extinction.