Pacific Rivers has contracted with respected scientist Charley Dewberry to document conditions in important creeks, which provides crucial information that helps us protect clean water and healthy rivers. Our monitoring program has been highly successful, but to truly know what’s happening in our rivers and streams, we need to monitor more of them.
You can help our monitoring program by donating today.
Charley has monitored Knowles Creek on the central Oregon Coast for more than 20 years. Knowles Creek is probably the most well-studied creek in the nation, perhaps the world, and his monitoring work here has been internationally recognized.
More recently, Charley has been working with students from Roseburg, Oregon, to monitor Canton Creek, an important steelhead-spawning tributary in the North Umpqua River east of Roseburg, Oregon. After four years, Charley has a good idea of the conditions in this river: how many fish use the creek and where, how many steelhead are born each year, and how many adults are there.
Pacific Rivers is using the information to advocate that the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and Congress protect this creek from harmful logging practices because it is one of the North Umpqua’s most important steelhead refuges. By knowing exactly how many fish are produced in places like Canton Creek, Pacific Rivers and its partners can champion measures that will maintain river health. And protecting river health protects human health.
You can help our monitoring program by donating today.
Charley has monitored Knowles Creek on the central Oregon Coast for more than 20 years. Knowles Creek is probably the most well-studied creek in the nation, perhaps the world, and his monitoring work here has been internationally recognized.
More recently, Charley has been working with students from Roseburg, Oregon, to monitor Canton Creek, an important steelhead-spawning tributary in the North Umpqua River east of Roseburg, Oregon. After four years, Charley has a good idea of the conditions in this river: how many fish use the creek and where, how many steelhead are born each year, and how many adults are there.
Pacific Rivers is using the information to advocate that the U.S. Bureau of Land Management and Congress protect this creek from harmful logging practices because it is one of the North Umpqua’s most important steelhead refuges. By knowing exactly how many fish are produced in places like Canton Creek, Pacific Rivers and its partners can champion measures that will maintain river health. And protecting river health protects human health.