Tell Oregon to fix laws threatening forests and streams!
Oregon has a reputation for being a green state. But is it?
Rules for logging on Oregon's private timberlands have not been updated in 20 years. They are less protective than on federal lands, and less protective than in California, Washington, and Idaho. And they are violating federal clean water standards.
It’s time for a change. It’s time for Oregon’s laws to catch up to Oregon’s values. Tell your leaders you want responsible logging, clean water, and healthy communities
The email you send will be delivered to the governor, your legislators, the Board of Forestry, and the Department of Environmental Quality.
Rules for logging on Oregon's private timberlands have not been updated in 20 years. They are less protective than on federal lands, and less protective than in California, Washington, and Idaho. And they are violating federal clean water standards.
It’s time for a change. It’s time for Oregon’s laws to catch up to Oregon’s values. Tell your leaders you want responsible logging, clean water, and healthy communities
The email you send will be delivered to the governor, your legislators, the Board of Forestry, and the Department of Environmental Quality.